Monday, July 26, 2004


I was surprised to hear my phone’s alarm went on struck 12:01 earlier. I was busy playing Grand Theft Auto III (Playstation 2) when it rang. I quickly turned it off and continued the game.

It was pretty recent since I really enjoyed playing computer games. Somehowmy brothers finally got me. It started with Naruto and then Grand Theft Auto III. And to my astonishment, I found the equipment pretty neat. Thought it was boring and a waste of time before. But it isn’t after all.

I ended the game around 3am when I found a mission too hard to crack. I decided I would continue it tomorrow.

After taking a bath, I checked my phone and then I figured out why its alarm went on at 12:01am earlier. Today is the 26th of the month. Suddenly I felt sad and alone, regretful and stupid. I went out and had a stick and pondered “what ifs.” My eyes began to wet as I remembered those happy times. The way he sleeps, the way his face goes really goofy and cute when he smiles, the smell of his perfume, the way everything seems so perfect when he holds my hand, how almost perfect he is and how I love him so much. They will forever be just a part of my distant past. Something I could never get back. For yesterday I loved.

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